Usually people are afraid of charges in their credit card and ask on Google what happened, what is this charge? Where is this extract from? What is CBI-CLEVERBRIDGE-INC? Don’t be afraid, but this is a huge scam.
CCleaner (/ ˈsiːkliːnər /, originally Crap Cleaner), developed by Piriform (a company acquired by Avast in 2017), is a utility used to clean potentially unwanted files and invalid Windows Registry entries from a computer. It is one of the longest-established system cleaners, first launched in 2004. CCleaner's parent company, Avast Piriform, found the malware on September 12, 2017, and immediately took steps to remediate the problem. Initially, the company believed it was confined to the above versions running on a 32-bit Windows systems and that downloading upgraded versions of the program would solve the problem. The company’s product CCleaner alone has been installed more than 1 billion times onto nearly 25% of all the PCs in the world. Piriform’s team is a combination of highly-skilled staff and dedicated volunteers who help test, support, and translate its software into over 40 different languages. The attacker added malware to the CCleaner 5.33.6162 and CCleaner Cloud 1.07.3191 installers, but the malware only executed on 32-bit systems and when run by a user with admin rights. CCleaner, Defraggler, Recuva and Speccy are all registered trademarks of Piriform Ltd.
Read this carefully to recover from. CBI-CLEVERBRIDGE-INC credit card scam it is not that rare actually to be scammed by this usual techniques when people buy online (and also offline).
Total scams with this charge: 589 votes, and 202 voted that it is a fraud CHARGE.
What is your credit card company? You better act now!
CBI-CLEVERBRIDGE-INC has been in the DB for a while, it is the number 17736. It comes from Andorra. There are 676 searches per month from people that come from terms like cbi*cleverbridge or similar.
Cbi*ccleaner Piriform
More info about credit cards and frauds
- Please search for the official website, there are tutorials on how to prevent this scams in credit cards.
- Visit VISA or Mastercard official websites to ask for help, or open dispute on PayPal.
- Any information about the scam? Please share in comment section.
Relevant information about CBI-CLEVERBRIDGE-INC credit card charge
Is My Purchase Secure? – Piriform Support
Found on Nicaragua, Cyprus and Cyprus.
Combinate score with Credit Card Agency says that it is a 54% transaction fraud rate and the score for Stripe and Bank of America (other credit card providers like Revolut, N26, BBVA, Banco Santander, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Capital One says it is a 14% credit charge fraud rate.
CBI-CLEVERBRIDGE-INC charge notice was found Wednesday at 12 in 2012.
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