Facets Healthcare Tutorial

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  2. Healthcare FACETS System. This transaction set can be used to submit health care claim billing information, encounter information, or both, from providers of health care services to payers, either directly or via intermediary billers and claims clearinghouses. This course is designed as per the industry best practices.
  3. Example page from Tutorial Click on picture for full-size view. To read the text, display it full-screen. Facets: Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Tutorials Instructor: Mike Linacre, Ph.D. Software operation and basic concepts Facets Software installation and operation Facets, elements, persons, items, raters.
  4. Master Facets hands-on from basic to advanced level concepts with real-time examples. Our training will help you gain in-depth knowledge of claims processing and automating tasks using Facets workflow application through hands-on sessions. By the end of the training.

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Facetscan be termed as a One-Stop Service Center for healthcare payer organizations. Itis an integrated health care payer administration solution, designed to handlethe complex requirements of managed health plans. The role of facets in health insurance is of great importance.
Newregulatory requirements such as ACA as well as ongoing Medicare and Medicaidupdates demand flexibility in payer’s technology and processes. TriZetto hasdeveloped Facets to provide solutions tothese complex requirements. Facets is scalable,serving both large and smaller plans. Facets claims processing tool has given new directions to health insurance industry.
TheFacets system automates and streamlines critical business functions across theenterprise, including member enrollment, premium billing, claims processing andcustomer service, helping payers decrease administrative spending whileimproving both healthcare and business outcomes.
Thecurrent version of Facets is 5.0 and Facets is organized in Application groupsand the main Application groups are asfollows:
1.Accounting application group
3.Billing application group
5.Claims Processing application group
7.Commission application group
9.Customer Service application group
11.Dental Provider Agreement application group
13.ITS Application Support application group
15.Medical Plan application group
17.Pricing Profile application group
19.Subscriber/Member application group
20.Utilization Management application group

Facets Testing explained

FacetsTesting is not one of the testing types. But it is purely and most of the time,a type of manual testing which is done on Facets tool that is being used forclaims processing and other healthcare insurance company day to day activitiesare done.
Theseare Typical healthcare manual testing/ tester roles and responsibilitiesespecially in FACETS application in healthcare industry.
·Participatedin requirements meetings to understand the requirements from business people.
·PreparedTest cases and Test scripts from the requirements and Functional, Technicalspecifications.
·Validatedmember eligibility and eligibility inquiry in the facets application to thelegacy application in order to confirm the migration successful or not.
·Experiencein Medical, Pharmacy Plan changes from one plan to other plan with in Group,subgroup, class combinations.
Facets healthcare tutorial app
·Experiencewith COB (coordination of benefits) application with in facets, testing ofclaims status for selected subscribers.
·Writingtest cases and test scripts in MS Excel Manually and uploading in Qualitycenter.
·Wellexperienced in benefit coding of different products for various plans of BCBSsuch as Blue preferred, Blue exchange etc.
·Calculatingco-pay, coinsurance, adding single tier, multi tier for different products within a plan.
·Comparingplan and product details in medical module, and reviewing the benefit summaryand feeding them into pivot tables with appropriate co-pay and coinsurance andvalid comments for various codes of vision, maternity etc.
·Testdata entry into FACETS4.7 application in the test environment for creatinggroups, subscribers and family members.
·Experiencein creating new groups, subgroups, subscribers as and when needed which islater used as a test data for testing purpose.
·Experiencein System testing and UAT testing of the facets core application and custommodules as needed.

Facets Healthcare Tutorial For Beginners

·Claimsvalidation in Facets application which includes claims pending status, memberstatus, etc.
·Creatingtest cases, test scripts for various modules, and uploading them into qualitycenter.
·Traceabilitymatrix of test cases to corresponding requirements.
·Runningthe test cases and it scripts and executing them thoroughly with pass/failstatus.
·Enteringdefects for failed test cases and assign the defects to appropriate developers.
·Regressiontesting of the application once the defects are fixed and passing the testcases.
Insimple words, Facets testing is not really much different than other types oftesting except the fact that the domian knowledge in healthcare industry is amust and familiarity on facets tool is necessary.
Majorapplications with in the Facets testing that you need to learn /know beforeinterview is, Claims processing, hospital, claims, physician claims, membersubscriber inquiry etc.

Facets Medical Software

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